
The making of the Flow collection

Ring with pearlsHow this collection started with the graduation ring for my sister Karin.

A little over a year ago my sister Karin graduated from university. Oh oh, that meant that there had to be made a ‘traditional’ pearl ring again.

A blank sheet of paper was staring back at me, waiting for the first stroke. It’s exciting to start a new design because there are no limitations. Nothing to hold me back from imagining the ultimate design. But also no guidelines and support when it gets rough ;-) So first things first: time to set some boundaries!

I started by defining what the piece should ‘be’. Often that aligns with the person I’m designing for. This ring should be:

  • elegant
  • edgy
  • ‘fine’ aka not to bold ;-)
  • and playful

I call these my ‘personal requirements’.

I wandered a little of track and dreamed about other awesome features. Wouldn’t it be awesome if…

  • there is movement
  • and you’re able to see the ‘whole’ pearl

I call them my ‘dream features’ because they seemed a little impossible, not very realistic. So I didn’t set them as requirements, forgot about them and got to work.

A lot of sketches and prototypes later I had made a ring that checked all my ‘personal requirements’. This ring was playful and elegant. It’s design sophisticated and modern. The pearls can move freely through the ring, allowing you to see the pearls from all sides. And than it struck me: wow I had exceeded my own expectations! This ring also checked my ‘dream features’!

Karin with her pearl ringAt my sister’s graduation party I gave her the ring. She was thrilled with it and loved the design!

So it was time to dream a little further:

  • wouldn’t it be awesome if I could do this with gemstones as well?
  • and wouldn’t it be awesome if I made a whole collection out if this idea?!

The rest is history and you can now order my Flow collection consisting of rings, pendants and earrings. You can chose your own gemstones and precious metal and design your own ultimate piece of jewellery!

1 comment

  • Ingrid

    A great design, moving pearls and gemstones! The pendants with colorful gemstones are wonderful!

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