Via Via Deal

What is the Via Via Deal?
You have received this page through your friend, family, acquaintance or colleague. They know me and thought you'd like this. For them I made a custom made piece of jewellery. A piece of jewellery with meaning and for a special occasion. Think of a wedding, an engagement, a milestone, a birth or a memory. For these life events I make a beautiful piece of jewellery in which your story is incorporated into the design. This way you get a unique and personal piece of jewellery that you wear with love every day.
Perhaps I can help you design your personal piece of jewellery. Here you can read more about how that works: the custom made process and satisfaction guarantee . Here you can read more about the price and budget guarantee .
If you become a customer with me Via Via for a custom made piece of jewellery, I would like to thank you and the person who forwarded you to me. You will therefore both receive a silver pendant with a heart from the Letter Gems collection as a gift! You choose your own gemstone from the twelve month gemstones.

Make an appointment
Book a visit to my studio or contact me to see if we are a match.
Book a visit to the studio now
- The Via Via Deal only applies when purchasing a custom-made piece of jewellery with a minimum spend of € 500 per assignment *.
- Existing/old customer and new/viavia customer will both receive a silver Letter Gems Heart gift if both let me know by e-mail that they want to use the Via Via Deal. This can be done via group email/CC by one of the two customers.
- As long as the promotion is running.
*A wedding ring set counts as one custom made assignment.